
Top 5 Natural Home Remedies To Cure Bad Breath

Natural home made remedies have been initiated for treating bad breath for many generations. They great for solving the problem on a temporary basis. However, constant usage can actually lead to a permanent solution provided these home remedies are applied consistently. Here are the top 5 Home remedies to help you get rid of this annoying problem.

5. Green cardamom – Green cardamom provides plenty of cineol and limonene. These two ingredients are highly effective at covering foul odor and killing bacteria as well.

4. Tea tree oil – This essential oil can be obtained from a shrubby plant Melaleuca alternifolia. Contains strong antiseptic elements essential for preventing gum disease.

3. Fresh Parsley – Destroy bad breath with fresh parsley. That's right. This herb has an insane amount of chlorophyll which can help absorb bad smelling breath very quickly.

2. Peppermint leaf – Helps reduce blockage of the nasal passages. Especially useful if the source of your condition comes from the nose. A very popular plant for treating bad breath due to its cooling property.

1. Coriander and cloves – These two ingredients are often used by traditional Chinese herbalists for getting rid of bad breath condition. Add them both in a cup of steaming Alfalfa tea for a great bad breath killing beverage.

Find out tons of tips and remedies for curing your bad breath in just 3 days by clicking here

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