
Stop Bad Breath With 5 Simple Remedies

Bad breath can be a totally humiliating condition. I understand how difficult life can be when you're a bad breath sufferer. Try the following remedies to help you prevent bad breath. With continued patience and continued application, you will hopefully get to stop this condition for good.

5. Have plenty of water – Dehydration is one of the major causes bad breath. Drink lots of water to keep yourself properly hydrated. Saliva is very important for cleansing bacteria located inside the mouth.

4. Have plenty of sugarless yogurt. – If your breath reeks of rotten eggs, this means that you have a large amount of hydrogen sulfide in your mouth, a compound created by thriving bacteria. Sugarless yogurt is highly effective in neutralizing hydrogen sulfide.

3. Drink a lot of tea – Bacteria growth can easily be prevented by drinking plenty of warm tea. Tea contains essential bacteria killing ingredients such as polyphenols, theaflavins, and catechins.

2. Floss regularly – Flossing is essential for removing food particles stuck in between teeth or gum line. These food particles if not removed may lead to decay and subsequently, bad breath. For optimum flossing, try using gum stimulator which I personally feel is better than the standard string floss.

1. Brush your teeth daily – Some people refuse to brush their teeth on a daily basis. They keep the habit of doing it every once in a while and by the time they start to buck up, this awful condition has affected them big time. I was also guilty of this habit at one point which I paid dearly for. If you're prone to bad breath, do brush your teeth regularly to avoid this condition from happening permanently.

Learn how to get rid of your bad breath condition by 96% by clicking here

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